COVID-19 Protocols


Staff Policies

• Any staff member who is feeling ill should contact his or her supervisor and NOT report to work until they have been free of all symptoms for at least 24 hours. Staff members are to take temperature before arriving at work.

• Staff are required to maintain social distancing during the workday except if needing to perform essential tasks such as client care.

• Staff will wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as surgical mask and gloves during medical pedicure appointment.

Client Policies

All clients receive a 24 hours prior message before their appointment time informing them of the following:

• If they have an elevated temperature, cough, sneeze, or other flu-like symptoms, we encourage them to reschedule their appointment until they have been free of all symptoms for at least 24 hours

• For in-office visit and they are asymptomatic, we ask they wear a cloth face covering.

• Limit the number of people they bring to no more than 1, unless additional persons are necessary to care for the client or to place in treatment chair.

• Any client in our office will be required to maintain appropriate social distancing (six feet or more) except when necessary for clinical care

Facility Policies

Signage will be placed at all entrances:

• Informing all employees and patients that they should avoid entering the facility if they have a cough or fever; maintain a minimum six-foot distance from one another; sneeze and cough into one's elbow; not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact, and practice generally acceptable social distancing protocols

• All clients are requested to remain in their cars until their appointment. Only one person allowed in the waiting room

• Markings at six-foot increments must be established at all front desk check-in areas

• Hand sanitizer or other effective disinfectant will be placed at or near the entrance to all of our facilities and other areas of high-frequency interaction with the public

• All treatment rooms will be disinfected after each visit to include all high touch areas such as door handles, chairs, and treatment tables, etc.

• All employees will disinfect their workstations and clinic areas regularly and employees will not share computers throughout the day without first disinfecting the computer and workstation

• Front desk staff will encourage pre-payment before appointment.